Blog Love

Saturday, January 30, 2010

We have a WINNER!!

Thank you so much to those of you who entered the Giveaway! There were some Great ideas on how to beat the Winter Blues....thanks!
Now what your all waiting for....the Winner is:

Bridget Gatlin!! Here advice was:

I believe ...chocolate gets me thru January!

Love your advice Bridget! I absolutely adore Chocolate:))

I will be contacting you Bridget. Thanks so much for entering my Giveaway!
There will be more in the Future:))

Have a great day!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Giveaway Extended to Friday January 29th

Due to the LOW amount of entries (come on!), I am extending my Giveaway to Friday January 29th at 3pm. I will even throw in a cute set of Valentiny looking mini cards for the Winner!

I hope more of you will enter!! I don't usually get more than about 20-25 entries, but 3 is a little Pathetic! You won't be disappointed.
This necklace is adorable and the Valentine's are super cute too! I will include a picture of what they could look like. Just think how adorable these little babies would be to send to a friend, or customer, or let your child give them to his or her classmates as Valentine's!!

I am Begging for more Entries! Come on Blogger Friends:)))

Monday, January 18, 2010

January Blues Glass Pendant Giveaway!!

January is always a hard month for me for some reason! I get a little depressed and get very excited for Spring to come....well it's not coming soon enough, so I need to spice things up a bit! How about a Giveaway?

As you know I have opened my second Etsy shop recently, and I have been making jewelry like CRAZY! I have really been enjoying it. I haven't listed very
many items yet because I am still trying to perfect my jewelry. I want it to look great!

I know I have some improvements to make, but I think I am getting better!
To celebrate my January Blues, I am going to give away this Rock Star glass pendant, with a Silver Ball Chain to go with it!

Here are the rules:

1. Leave me a comment about how you beat the January Blues....I need some advice! For each bit of advice you leave, I will enter your name that many times in the drawing!

This Giveaway will end Sunday January 24th at Noon! I will draw a winner then and ship the pendant Monday January 25th!

Oh....and don't forget to leave your E-mail address, so I can contact you if you win!

I would also like to Thank You for reading my Blog! I have so enjoyed reading your comments and I truly read them all! Have a great Day:)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year!!! Gotta get rid of some Destash!

I can't believe it's 2010!! Wow, another year has come and gone. I am feeling very old and I am also feeling like my Scrapbooking supplies are taking up my whole house!!
I feel the need to get rid of a lot. I can't stand walking into my kitchen and seeing stuff all over my counters, and we can barely sit at our kitchen table comfortably without kicking my Rubbermaid containers full of paper!
This is my New Years resolution: to clean up my kitchen! So.....I am sorting through all of my supplies and getting rid of what I know I am not going to use!
Do I really need over a Bajillion pieces of paper? Well....I thought I did when it was on sale for such a great price:)
I am filling my Etsy shop with lots of pretty paper and other supplies! If you scrapbook, make cards, Origami, or any kind of paper craft.... you will want to check out my shop! The faster this stuff goes, the happier I will be and the cleaner my kitchen will look! My husband will be so happy:))