Blog Love

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

on Fear, Depression and letting go....and HOPE

Tara, over at scoutie girl, wrote a post today on being stuck, feeling fear, and not giving into depression. she was candidly honest about her own struggles with depression and how she has pushed past them. so for we scout wednesdays, tara asked us to share our own struggles, whatever they may be.

I have never really posted about something like this before, but i felt like i have something to share about this that may help someone out there in blog land!

I feel like my childhood was normal and I had lots of friends, boyfriends, and I thought I was pretty happy!

When I got married, my husband was very supportive and encouraged me to be creative and find something I liked to do. I started with Tole Painting, then Scrapbooking, sewing, making jewelry and cards.....the list goes on.

I tend to be a little obsessive when it comes to trying new things....I want to buy EVERYTHING you could possibly need for the craft and more. I don't know why, that is just how I am. So I end up buying all this stuff and then I am too afraid to actually try it! When I do try something new, if I fail, or mess it up somehow, I get very discouraged and give up.

This has been my life and still is like this a little. I think having KIDS, an ETSY shop and a supportive husband helps A LOT!

You may be wondering what this has to do with FEAR or DEPRESSION, but it really is crippling to be so afraid of trying anything new for fear of failure. It doesn't help that I have severe PMS 3 out of 4 weeks of the month!

So here are 5 things I do to let go of my FEAR and DEPRESSION:

1. I believe in a loving Heavenly Father who I know loves me and wants me to succeed. It's not always easy to remember this and I struggle with this every day!

2. I am better at not giving up than I used to be. I try and remember that all these creative, talented people out there, failed over and over before they finally succeeded!

3. If I start having negative thoughts, I immediately try to either do something nice for someone in my family, or serve someone I know....even someone I don't know! By the time I have done this, I usually have forgotten what negative thing I was thinking of!

4. I exercise. I go for a run. It is proven to help depression!

5. Pray. OK, I know some of you may not be religious and don't pray. Well, advice to you is meditate. Take time to just sit and take deep breaths. Think positive thoughts!

I know these 5 things are nothing new and you have probably done some of them yourself at sometime in your life. They work for me and I am getting better! I am not nearly as unhappy and moody as I used to be (ask my hubby!).

I am an easier person to live with than I used to be. I have a long way to go....but now I have HOPE.

How do you let go of fear? How do you have HOPE?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My First Treasury!! Soooo many Fabulous Finds

If you have never heard of ETSY then you need to go check it out! There are so many Fabulous things to find there! Recently I found a birthday gift for my sister. I also love the FABRIC that I have found here on ETSY. I am an addict!

Recently I made what is called a TREASURY. I choose about 12 or so of my FAVORITE items that I have found on ETSY and made it into something others can see. I think it's pretty (but I am biased...I know!) I love the colors and had so much fun making it. To see all of it click here:

These pictures above are from my Treasury. Aren't they fun? I think so!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Monday Magic... I ♥ Mom!
Aren't these picks just great? Nay from
Made this lovely feature of some awesome gift ideas for MOM. I think they are lovely, especially those cute little magnets down on the left (they are from my shop!) Check out here blog where you can click on the pictures and check out the different ETSY shops!




Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Some AWESOME Mother's Day Gift ideas!

You know me....I love surfing the net for new blogs. I have found some really cool ones lately. There are so many stinkin' talented people out there! I am in awe of some of these ladies. Since Mother's Day is almost here, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite ideas for a gift for your MOM, SISTER, DAUGHTER, or whoever you want to honor. These are my favorites:

Ok, I haven't read this book yet, but I have listened to several of his talks (sermons) and Dieter F. Uchtdorf is such a great speaker! I know this book will be awesome! I am giving this to my Mom for Mother's Day: The Remarkable Soul of a Woman. She will love it!

Now, here are some blogs that have wonderful ideas for things you can make your MOM! You want to be crafty, right? Most of these look pretty easy. I bet you could do it....

The cute little blue corsage above is so adorable isn't it? I would looooove it myself for Mother's Day (hint, hint, Natalie!). Wouldn't your Mom love this?

Here is the link to the Tutorial for this cutie:

Next is a gorgeous Mother's Day brooch. I love the little picture that hangs from it.....would your Mother just adore it?

Here is the link to the Tutorial for this baby:

Lastly, I think this is sooooo fun! I love the tea towels and who doesn't need new kitchen utensils?

Here is the link to the Tutorial:

I hope you love these ideas as much as I do! I am excited to get crafting and try some of these. I love Tutorials! They are so fun....Have a great day and Mother's Day!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Thai Peanut Chicken recipe

I found this recipe online somewhere, so I didn't make it up, but it is sooooo good!
It is very simple and easy to make. I had to share it with you. Give it a try this week!

2-3 large skinless boneless chicken breasts, cubed
1/2 cup Peanut Butter
1 can coconut milk (approx. 2 cups)
1/4 cup sugar
dry roasted peanuts
Hot cooked rice

If your chicken is raw, saute in a tablespoon of oil until opaque. If already cooked and cubed, skip the saute. Next stir in peanut butter, coconut milk and sugar and cook over medium heat until bubbly.
Serve immediately over hot cooked rice and garnish with dry roasted peanuts.

Tips: I use 2 cans of Coconut milk because my family doesn't like so much peanut butter. I also boil my chicken first, then cube it.

This is so fast and easy. My family LOVES it! Try it this week!!