Blog Love

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Leavenworth, Washington

My DH and I took a little get away last weekend to Leavenworth, WA. We had not gone away together for at least 2 years! I was dying to go somewhere! No kids, just us alone!!
It took us about 5 1/2 hours to get there, but it was so nice and sunny on the way there. We really enjoyed it! We stopped at a hole in the wall Mexican Restaurant in Hood River, OR. The food was yummy!
On the way to Leavenworth we stopped at a replica of Stonehenge. It was actually pretty cool. We walked around a bit, I took a few pictures, then we were off to Leavenworth. If you have never been to Leavenworth or heard of it, let me tell you it is the cutest little Bavarian town in Washington! A long time ago the town was going to pot and the community gathered together and decided to redo the whole town. Everything is in Bavarian decor. It is so adorable! I am including a picture of our hotel, and the mountains. They were beautiful, just like the Alps.....Snow and everything!
The weather was gorgeous. Sunshine the whole time. It was pretty cold, but not so bad that we couldn't walk around and shop, etc.
I was pretty disappointed though to not see someone in Lederhosen! Those are the cute little suspenders, with the shorts and long socks. I was really hoping to see someone dressed like that. Oh well....the closest I got was a magnet.
I highly recommend this town for a weekend getaway. You will love it!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing these photos! I absolutely love Mexican food...I could eat it every day! Leavenworth looks like a very beautiful town...if I weren't all the way over on the East Coast I might considering visiting! Cute, great blog by the way!

    Best wishes blogging,

  2. We visited there a few years ago... it is very cute indeed. The only person, or thing, I saw wearing Lederhosen though, was a giant stuffed teddy bear (5 feet tall) sitting on a park bench... of course had to take a pic of that.

  3. Oh wow....I LOVE the picture showing the mountains. So pretty!

  4. How pretty! I live near the gulf in Texas and there is no scenery worth seeing. I always love seeing the snow capped mountains. What an adorable town.

  5. The mountains are amazing! It so makes me want to go camping. New York City gets exhausting after a while.

  6. I've been to the mini-henge in Marysville but we haven't made it up to Leavenworth, yet. It looks is it for kids?

  7. We didn't take our kids, but I think kids would love it! There are lots of different festivals during the spring and Summer months that I think sound like lots of fun. Skiing is nearby as well.


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