Blog Love

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fabric Rosette Headband

I have been going a little crazy with crafts lately!  I just see so many lovely ideas on all of your blogs, I can't stop making stuff!!  I have absolutely loved all the cute rosette headbands that I have seen on my favorite blogs.

They are pretty easy to make and I have found a super easy tutorial that makes them actually fun to make (and you don't burn the crapola out of your hands!)

Here is the one I made:

I actually wore it to church last Sunday and I got lots of compliments on it!  Yea, I finished another project.  Wahoooo!

Here is the easy tutorial for these rosette's.  I am so excited to make more!!

Go try something new! It's FUN.....

I am linking with these parties:


  1. that is super cute! It turned out great! :)

  2. oh gosh I love it... maybe a color like pink and white is good too...
    ohh really soooo cute!

  3. Cute! I was thinking this week how I want to amke one of these and need a tutorial-thanks!!

  4. Cute! come and visit our blog for more ideas.

  5. Wish I was creative- I love the rosette/flower look! I could never do this! :)

  6. Super cute!

    Glad you found my tut helpful! Thanks for sharing it!! :]


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