Blog Love

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Autumn Burlap Table Runner tutorial

Hello Happy Hour Projects readers!  My name is Karen and I blog over at Pocket Full of Pink, where I post crafts, tutorials, recipes and sometimes just random stuff!  I am so excited to be here.

Today I am going to show you my Ruffled Burlap Table Runner:

I am absolutely LOVING my Table Runner!  I love how it turned out.  Wanna know how I made it?  
Here is what you will need:

Burlap (I used a piece about 17 inches wide, 45 inches long)
2 different fabrics about 1/4- 1/2 yard of each
sewing machine
scissors, tape measure
I don't quilt, but I use the long plastic thingy (what is the name of it!!) in the picture and a cutting mat.

That's all you need!  This is so inexpensive to make!!

First I cut the burlap into the 17 x 45 inch piece.  Do ya know how to cut Burlap?  You make a little snip where you want to cut it, then pull out a burlap thread.  This will make a straight line through your burlap!  Now you can use scissors or a quilting cutter (I can't think of the right name for it!) to cut your burlap.  I hope that made sense.  It really makes it easy to cut the Burlap.

After you have cut your burlap in the desired length and width, iron it.  Mine had lots of creases in it.  Don't leave the hot iron on the burlap for long:)

Next, you cut your 2 different fabrics into strips about 2 inches by 34 inches long (twice the amount of the width of your runner).  I cut 4 strips of one pattern and 3 of the other pattern.  

Now here's the fun part.  I hated making ruffles until I learned how to make them!  My machine is very basic and I know every machine is different, so this probably varies depending on your machine.  You turn the thread tension up to the highest number.  I know the picture is hard to see, but my thread tension is at about 8 or 9.  

Next, you turn the stitch width to the highest.  Mine is 5.  

Here is what the ruffles looked like when I got done.  All you have to do is guide the fabric piece through the machine, and it makes the ruffles for you!  This works perfectly!  Remember, don't back stitch. I am a new woman now that I have discovered this!!

Next, I placed each ruffle about 6 inches apart.  Now, pin each ruffle onto the burlap in a straight line.

Sew each ruffle down, right down the center, but make sure you are not sewing on top of the stitch you sewed to make the ruffle.  Get as close as you can to it.  Then after each ruffle is sewn on, take your seam ripper and take out the ruffle seam (the one on the right that my seam ripper is pointing to).  The seam should come out really easy. 

After picking out the ruffle seam, I frayed each ruffle a little along the edges of the fabric.  I also cut any threads that were hanging.  

Admire your fabulous work and show it off on your table!!

We had some friends over for dinner last night and they absolutely LOVED this!  
It was so nice to say I MADE IT!! 

If you have any questions about my directions, e-mail me and I'd be happy to help:

Thanks so much Adrianne for letting me stop by! 


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this runner! It turned out amazing! Happy Fall!!!

  2. I love this! Thanks for explaining how to do ruffles, I really struggle with that! I love how adorable your new runner turned out. I may have to try this. Hope to see you at this week's Show & Share!

  3. Love the Fall and everything about it- including decorations! Thanks for the creative idea!

  4. Okie Dokie! I think I am heading to Hobby Lobby to day to pick up some burlap. You sold me when you told me how to cut it. I never knew! By the way......I love that my famous for her awesome blog!
    Love ya!

  5. Hi,

    I am a new follower from the blog hop. Please come follow me back

    Have a WONDERFUL day

  6. So easy and so cute! Thanks for the tutorial on the ruffles. Who would have ever known how easy it is? Thank you for sharing.
    I'm already a follower =)

  7. I adore your runner Karen! Love the ruffles and burlap!

  8. So super cute!!!! thanks for sharing. Love the masculine burlap with the feminine ruffles!
    Christie from Texas

  9. So pretty!! I would love for you to link this up at the Do Something Crafty link party:

  10. Would love it if you stopped by my 1st Link Party that started today and shared a project. In fact this project would be awesome. Saw this the other day and commented on it.

  11. how very cute. I love these colors and the chic homey look about it. Thanks for the inspiration! I started a link party at my blog and I'd love for you to link this up. If you're interested it's Have a lovely day, Maria

  12. You had me at burlap! Never made ruffles, but I might need to try this one! Saw you at Tip Junkie and glad I stopped by!

  13. What a fantastic idea. I love it.

  14. I love this runner too, and definitely think is something that I'll try! Thanks for the info. on ruffles...I know it will come in handy.

  15. Love this in the autumn colors. Thanks for linking up with DIY under $5!

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  17. Love your table runner! I am obsessed with burlap, yet I can never find any at my local store. Very cute. :)

    Visiting from:


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