Blog Love

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Everyone can Create {Try it!}

Warning:  This is a serious pep talk kind of post!  Maybe it's for me, or you, or both of us, but I hope it will give us the motivation we need to {try it}Create!

Try it
this is my new motto for 2012.  I tried to think of 1 word, but it wasn't happening, so I went with 2 words.

Many times I am crippled by the voices in my head {yes, I am crazy!} telling me I can't do something, or telling me I am too tired, or too busy to try it.

Does this happen to you??  I know I am not the only one.  Please tell me I'm not the only one!

Recently I have read a talk given by a wonderful representative of Jesus Christ.  His name is Dieter F. Uchtdorf.  He gave a talk called- Happiness, Your Heritage.

This talk has pretty much changed my outlook on being Creative and has helped me believe that I am meant to create.  I am going to get religious here for a minute, ok?  Bear with me....

"We are children of God.  Well, God is the most creative Being in the universe, and  our spirit bodies are masterpieces, created with a beauty, function, and capacity beyond imagination!"

If God created us with the purpose for us to seek and experience eternal happiness, then one of the ways we find this is by creating things. 

When I read this, it totally resonated with me!  I know that Everyone can Create!

But we have to overcome our fear of screwing up, or being wrong, right? 

This is my problem.  I am afraid of failing, or that no one will like it.  

Elder Uchtdorf says, Don't let fear of failure discourage you!  Don't let the voice of critics paralyze you-whether that voice comes from the outside or the inside.  

This year, I want you {and me} to start small!  We don't have to re-design our whole house, or make all our clothes into Anthropologie knock offs! 

So here's my challenge to you- Try it!  If you get this idea in your head of something you want to make, then try it.  Don't let that little voice tell you that you can't do it.  Actually, you CAN!  Remember, I need this just as much, if not more than you do.  We can do this TOGETHER!

What is your motto for the year?  Do you have any goals you want to share?  I would love to hear them!  

I hope your enjoying your NEW YEARS DAY!


1 comment:

  1. Don't ask people to "bear with you" when speaking your heart. You shouldn't have to give an excuse for that. You are amazing and you should be proud to let your light shine. I too love Elder Uctdorf's talk. It is one of my all time favorite talks too!


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