Blog Love

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Meet Bonnie from Revolutionaries!

Hello! My name is Bonnie and I'm the creator of the blog Revolutionaries. It is such an honor to be guest posting today for Pocket Full of Pink!

Over at Revolutionaries you can find a variety of things-- I mostly blog about crafting and redoing furniture, but I also blog about my faith and the band that I sing background vocals for. One thing you should know about me is that I recently graduated from college, so I am on a tight budget. When I say I'm a po' kid, I'm not joking! I consider it a good thing, though, because my budget forces me to get creative. For example, my favorite materials to use are toilet paper rolls!

Besides crafting, I absolutely love transforming furniture that I find at yard sales or on Craigslist. I love giving pieces new life and personality! These are my favorite furniture projects so far:

Overall, I'm just a 22 year old craft nerd that loves creating beautiful (and cheap budget-friendly) pieces. If you're constantly on a budget like I am, or just like the challenge, I hope you'll come by Revolutionaries and say hello! Thanks again to Karen for allowing me to meet all of you lovelies today :)

Wow!  Isn't Bonnie so creative with those toilet paper rolls?  I love the Fall Wall Art she made with them.  Be sure to stop by and give Bonnie some love on her Blog!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for featuring me, Karen!

    -Bonnie @ Revolutionaries


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