Blog Love

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Blog! and My take on a Valentine's Banner

It just dawned on me today that I have been blogging for just over 2 years!  My first post was December 27, 2008 (and it was B-O-R-I-N-G).  WOW!  I can't believe it's been that long.  Time flies, huh?  I laugh when I look at my first few posts.  I had no idea what to say!

  In honor of my blog Birthday, I think I shall have a giveaway next week.  I am going to gather some AWESOME scrapbook stuff together for my readers to win!  I also have something special to give away as well!  It's a secret....but if you have a blog your gonna LOVE it!

This is off topic (I am all about off topic!), but I have to share with you my take on a Valentine Banner I made last weekend.  I love the way it turned out.  For some reason I could not get decent pictures of it though, so you will have to use your imagination.  It really does look cute! 
See what I mean about crappy pictures?  The lighting was terrible!
I used Basic Grey Blush fabric by MODA.  Luuurve that fabric!  Of course the backing was Burlap.  Then I used my Cricut to cut out the music paper.  I inked the edges with my brown chalk ink pad (my FAV!). 

Then I cut out my letters with the Cricut and inked the edges with the chalk ink again.  I just used good ol' Elmers glue to glue the letters to the music paper and then glued the music paper to the fabric. 

For the fabric, I used Heat 'n' Bond to adhere the fabric to the burlap.  It worked GREAT!   I found some pink ribbon in my stash and I sewed it to the burlap (a little tricky). DONE!  It's simple, but I love how it turned out.  Again, sorry the pictures aren't the greatest.  I am taking photography class online right now, so hopefully my pictures will begin to look better!

I have a few more goodies to show you this week.  I am so excited!  I now have plenty of Valentine Decorations.  Yay! 


  1. Oooooooooh I love it!!!! As cute aws it looks there I can only imagine how it looks in person!! I'm still working on valentine decor and gifts.....but happy to say that ulink at Christmas, I am actually maiing

  2. Yay!! Happy Birthday!!
    Love your banner!

  3. Happy blog birthday and the banner looks fabulous!

  4. What an adorable banner! Great job! I would like to give you the Stylish Blog Award

  5. I love this! I have one like it on my blog but I used printable fabric for the letters. Good job! Aren't they addictive?

  6. That looks lovely!! Really like the fabric combos you chose! Fits the holiday for sure!!

  7. I love this banner! The colors are so great...
    Thanks for sharing!


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