Blog Love

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Heart Burlap Wreath

I have fallen in love with this wreath!

And I just can't stand how COOL these are! 

I have recently discovered a very Lovely blog and the name of it is sooo adorable!

Go check it out this blog!  There are so many fabulous ideas!

Oh..... and Monday I am going to post a UBER cute Valentine Craft!  Come visit....


  1. Love the wreath! I'm gonna check it out right now....thanks!

  2. beautiful items, i so admire a good crafter and someone that can find other great crafters! swinging by & following you..

  3. Where do I even begin? All you stuff is so cute! I love all the burlap accessories, especially that pillow. I bought a few yards of burlap a while ago and have been trying to come up with something. Now I have several ideas. Oh, and by the way, there is nothing wrong with scrapbook hoarding. I used to make cards and still find myself buying cute paper or ribbon or embellishments for that day that I get back into it:)

  4. That wreath is so stinking cute!! Love it!!!

  5. Thanks for the shout out :) Love the stuff you are creating! Thanks for the ideas.


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