Wow! i can't believe how quickly those 2 weeks went by. We had so much fun, there were times when I couldn't remember what day it was!
We began our trip by driving about 12 hours straight to Tracy, California (not so much fun). I get really restless when I am in a car for more than a few hours. My legs get REALLY restless and I want to scream and get out of the car! My husband however just wants to GET there, and doesn't want to stop. We stopped 3 times.
When we got to Auntie's house we stayed there for a few days. Here are a few pics from our stay with them.
My kids looooved the backyard at Auntie's house and enjoyed trying to find Tortia the turtle in their pond. I love that California has Orange, Grapefruit, and Lemon trees! I had to take a picture of these yummy looking Grapefruit that were growing on the tree. They were MUCH bigger in person. My kids enjoyed them for breakfast!