I just can't get enough of flowers....so here is my next tutorial, Oh Happy Day Flower Card! It looks hard, but trust me it is really really easy!
First, for the colored cardstock background, I used orange Coredinations cardstock. I got it at Joann Fabrics and it is new. It's awesome, because the core is light, so when you rip it, you get that look as you can see in the picture. It looks really cool, but you can use any cardstock.
Next, I cut out flowers freehand from patterned paper. For this card I used KI Memories paper, because it all coordinates! When I cut the flowers I cut in a wavy pattern with my scissors. It was totally a random cut, and however you cut them will look fine! I cut them in 3 different sizes.
Then I took each flower in my hand and crumpled them...yes, get your aggressions out and really get those flowers wrinkled! The more wrinkled, the better they look. Then flatten them out on a hard surface. When you glue the flowers on your card, go around the flower to lift up the edges of the paper. It makes the flower looks 3-dimensional.
For the stems and leaves, I used tiny rick rack (not the regular size). For the stems, I just tied a piece of rick rack in a knot and glued them on the stems.
The grass is random cut pieces of green paper, in all different heights. Having a paper cutter helps, but you could also do it by hand.
To finish off the flowers, I glued a button in each of the centers with tacky tape. This tape is extra strong and I glue all buttons and heavy embellishments with this stuff. It's great!
For the center of the large flower, I used a round stamp with the "Oh Happy day" and stamped it on a separate piece of orange paper, then cut it out and glued it in the center of the flower.
Glue the background paper on first, then the large flower, small and medium. Then glue the rick rack on with the stems. Next, glue the grass on the bottom of the card. Lastly, glue the buttons in the center of each flower, and the "Oh happy day" stamped circle. If you don't have a stamp, just use a button!
This card could be for just about any occasion! I don't know anyone who doesn't love to get a handmade card! Your friends and family will be so impressed!
If you have any questions about how to make this card, or where I got any of the supplies, please feel free to e-mail me at kweight@byu.net.
NOW FOR THE GOOD PART! I want to give this card away to someone....From the first 25 people who make a comment on my blog with who they would give this card to and why, I will randomly select a winner on at 10am on July 3rd! Good luck!!