Let me begin by saying… I don’t expect you to read all of this, I know I wouldn’t (if you’re anything like me, you won’t sit here long enough to get through half of it), just wondering if any of you have days, weeks or
you live like this? I love the creative side of my brain, but the other side is driving me crazy.
I debated about whether to even post about this, but I think there may be someone out there who needs to read this. I am 43 years old and I have ADD. There, I said it. Here is what my days are like:
6:15am: wake up, get kids to school, eat breakfast, put the clothes in the dryer that I forgot about and left in the wash the day before.
8:00am: exercise (if I don't do it now, it won't get done)
9:00am: check my e-mail, my blog, and usually spend at least an hour looking at blogs and answering e-mails.
10:00 or so: take a shower
10:30am: think about the things I should do, then decide to get on the computer again. Sometimes I start a craft, but I don't usually finish it. Maybe throw a load of laundry in the wash.
12:00: eat lunch while I am on the computer checking e-mail and my blog. (I know. I am a addict)
1:00: think about all the projects I want to do, but don't actually start anything. Feel overwhelmed by some of the things I should be doing. maybe remember to put the clothes in the dryer.
2pm: Think to myself, "What happened to the time? I can't believe it's almost time for S to come home!"
Look at the pile of stuff in my bedroom against the wall and think about how I need to do something with it. I decide I'll do it tomorrow.
2:30: Take a nap until S gets home.
Are you thinking, "Holy cow, that woman is REALLY lazy!" Well, that's what I think sometimes. I really have good intentions about what I am going to do that day, but it never really works out.
This is totally me!
You should see my house. Can you say Clutter? I look at it and just don't know what to do with it, so I do nothing.
I hope I don't scare anyone out there, I actually function pretty well, it just gets old. I am tired of forgetting stuff, blurting out stuff, not finishing a task, or not even starting it, having a low self-esteem, etc...etc....etc...
I was diagnosed about 6 years ago, along with my then, 8 year old son. He was put on medication which has helped him tremendously. I tried the medication, but I didn't like the way it felt, so I quit taking it.
Many of you know I started College last Fall and I have been doing really well. But recently I have felt so scatter brained, forgetting more, and having a hard time getting ANYTHING done. So I went to a Dr. He gave me a written test to take and did confirm that yes, I do have ADD.
So now I am taking some medication for ADD and so far it is working GREAT! I don't feel so exhausted all the time, my mind seems more clear, and I feel more driven to get things done. It's not perfect, but things are getting better.
If you think you might have ADD, or you have a kid or a spouse with ADD, you should watch ADD and loving it?! It was recently on PBS. It was awesome! Here is a quote from the show:
When ADD is diagnosed and treated, life can become very sweet. A liability can become an asset. As one expert explains, "This is not a diagnosis to fear. This is a diagnosis to understand and embrace."
I am learning to live with ADD and I know others can too. I hope this helped someone out there. It helped me to write this!