We are so excited to be here today on Pocket Full of Pink! We are Trish and Bonnie from the blog, Uncommon and today we want to share our Blessings and Thankful pillows!

These pillows are a perfect addition to your Thanksgiving decor. We made these guys a couple of years ago, so we don't have step by step pictures, but will try our best to tell you how we did them!
Supplies Needed: burlap, stencils, black and brown acrylic paint
Step One: cut two rectangles of burlap the same size, depending on your pillow form. If you did a 12" by 20" pillow, you should cut two rectangles that are 15" by 23". Just add three inches to each side!
Step Two: We used our Cricut to cut a leaf shaped stencil and then we stippled a couple onto the front of one piece of burlap. Let dry completely.
Step Three: Then we cut the wording out on our Cricut and stencilled that in next. Let dry completely.
Step Four: Put the two burlap rectangles together, right sides facing each other. Stitch up three sides starting and finishing about an inch and a half in (for fringe).
Step Five: Insert your pillow form and stitch the last side closed.
Step Six: Start on one side and pull the threads out of the burlap to create a fringe and then continue with all four sides. That's It!
Thank you so much for having us here today, Karen! We would love for you to join us anytime on Uncommon!
Bonnie and Trish
Thanks so much for stopping by Bonnie and Trish! I LOVE, LOvE these lovely Burlap pillows! Aren't they perdy?Give Thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever1 Chronicles 16:34
I love these pillows! I think I have nearly everything that I need to make them too. Thanks for sharing them with us. :)