Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Birdhouses {Tutorial}

Is it Spring weather where you are?  Here in the Northwest we woke up to 2-3 inches of SNOW!  What's.......up.......with......that?  I have lived here my whole life and I can never remember it snowing this late.  It was very pretty when I woke up and the kids school opened 2 hrs. late, so it does have it's good points!

Today I am going to share with you one of my favorite projects!  Birdhouses!  I love these sweet little things.  I bought the birdhouses at Joanne's for $1 each. 

Here is what you will need:

Wood Candlesticks {I used 4}
Wood birdhouses {just about any craft store for $1}
Paint (see below)
sand paper
Stain- I used Minwax wood stain {Early American}
E6000 glue or some really strong glue

 The candle sticks I bought at Joanne's as well for about $2 a bag of four.  

 As you can see I glued 2 candlesticks together with E6000 glue.  It's great stuff!

Next, I glued the houses to the top of the candlesticks.  I also glued an oval piece of wood on the bottom.  

After I glued everything together I stained the whole birdhouse {Sorry, no pictures of the staining.  It was night.}

The paints I used are:

Martha Stewart- Wedding Cake, Yellow Jacket, and Sea Lavender {just ignore the Bahama Blue in the center, although that is a cool color!}

After I stained all the wood and let it dry overnight, I painted the whole birdhouse {except the front with the little holes in it} with the Wedding Cake paint.  

After the paint is dry I painted the front of the birdhouses with the Yellow Jacket and Sea Lavender paint.

 When all the paint is dry, get your sandpaper and sand around all the edges!  It is so cool how the stain shows through!  I love that distressed, vintagy look!  I got the stain idea here.

Now display them in your house and you will get LOTS of compliments!  

I just love what you can do with plain old wood, right?  There are so many possibilities!!

Sorry there are so many pictures, I kinda got carried away trying to take different pictures!  I HAD to show you:)

I have decided to cancel Friday Frolic  for the next 2 weeks.  My kids start Spring Break tomorrow and we aren't going to be around much for the next week.  

I need to spend time with them and enjoy my week off of school.  I hope you understand!  I am sure I will be back sometime next week with a craft or two.  

Hope you are enjoying your Spring, wherever you are!



  1. I live western PA and it's 80 degrees out!! Very weird for us!!

    I LOVE the bird houses!!!!! SOOOO cute!

  2. I live in Spokane, not sure we got 3 inches (well maybe before I woke up:)) soo ready for us to get some sunshine!! Your project is perfect for some garden art!

  3. I'm a new follower from the Friday hop. I love getting those birdhouses and painting them with my daughter. We use modpodge and paper, but I like your idea too!

  4. Your birdhouses are so cute!!! I love the stands!

  5. Lovely birdhouses!

  6. Cute birdhouses! Have a lovely spring break...with NO SNOW. Today in Seattle is beautiful sunshine! Hope you have some too!

  7. Cute! I'm working on some birdhouses now.

  8. SO SO cute...I am going to make some this week!

  9. Your birdhouses are cute. Makes me want to make a few. Have a great spring break! Drop by when you can if you like visiting you from Inspire Me Mon. hop. I am over at the doors always open.

  10. I've been looking for some cute birdhouses for my deck - these are adorable!

    We have our first ever Beautify It Monday link party going on now and we'd love if you stopped by to link up -

  11. Awesome tutorial! I would love for you to link up at my Linky Party via:

    PS: I am your newest Linky Follower!

    Mrs. Delightful

  12. These turned out so cute! I LOVE the colors! Usually I'm not into yellow but this year I've been all about yellow! Thanks for sharing at Manic Monday!

  13. I love your birdhouses! They turned out so cute and like the idea that they can be used again and again...if you have time, please come on over and link up at my party going on now and I'm also having a giveaway!

  14. I so love birdhouses, I had them as part of our centerpiece at our wedding. I still have 4 of them that I just can't part with. So very cute. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday's Best.

  15. Oh, I love putting the birdhouses on the candlesticks! It gives it just that extra spark!

  16. I love birdhouses.. I want to make these too :)
    Thanks for linking up at friday fun party

  17. Thank you, Karen, for sharing this fabulous tutorial with us at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy and congratulations - you are one of my Featured Friends this week!

    I look forward to seeing more of your projects!


    Create With Joy

    P.S. If you could add Inspire Me Monday to the list of parties that you link to, that would be FAB! :-)

    Create With Joy


Thank you so much for your comments...I love them!!

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